At the 75th Cannes film festival, Ecoprod is rolling out the red carpet for green production

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Ecoprod will honor a movie presented at Cannes and produced in the most possible sustainable way.

At the 75th Cannes film festival, Ecoprod is rolling out the red carpet for green production. For the first time, Ecoprod will honor a movie presented at Cannes and produced in the most possible sustainable way. The Ecoprod award will be handed out to a film and its team which is showcasing best practices in green production. The ambition is to bring an increased visibility of this topic to the public and mobilize film professionals to go green. The award underlines that artistic creation and its recognition by one of the most prestigious festivals can be combined with an environmental commitment. As a partner, Green Film Shooting is supporting the green award at Cannes. 

A growing number of film professionals are taking actions to reduce the carbon footprint of their productions. Green production approaches can be taken in any department of a film production and inspire film crews to develop creative solutions. Every measure that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions and cut waste is beneficial for the environment. The possibilities range from taking more eco-friendly mobility and transport options as well as reducing the consumption of electric power to eco-designs of sets and vegetarian meals. Green production is possible and can be a source of creativity! 

According to a study conducted by Ecoprod in 2020, the audiovisual sector is producing the equivalent of 1.7 million tons of CO2 per year. The audio-visual industry has a particular responsibility when it comes to ecological awareness because it conveys messages and shapes the collective representations. Therefore, the film industry needs to feature good practice methods for the creation process. 

Since 2009, Ecoprod has been supporting the environmental transition of the film and TV industry and has seen great initiatives emerge that deserve to be put under the spotlight. Changes in production practices are under way, pushed by public policies. In France, carbon footprint reports will be mandatory for all projects supported financially by the CNC starting in 2023. All film productions that are presented in Cannes can apply to the Ecoprod prizeThe award show will take place on Thursday, May 26 during the 75th Cannes film festival.